Lower Clapton
in Greater London of England, United Kingdom

Noteable things around
Location Summary
Decimal Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude):
51.553 and -0.053 (Lat./Lng.)
Coordinates by Time:
N 51° 33' 9" and W -0° 3' 10"
Currency and Currency Code:
Pound - GBP
Spoken languages:
English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Local Time: 05:38 PM (Thursday)
Timezone: Europe/London
UTC/GMT offset: 0 hours
Sunrise and Sunset:
7:49 am and 4:34 pm
Antipode Coordinates:
-43.750 and 173.083 (Lat./Lng.)
Closest place to antipode coordinates:
Le Bons Bay
This place on Wikipedia
This place on Geonames.org
Current travel safety evaluation for United Kingdom in Northern Europe

Safety Score: 3,0 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning we advice caution when travelling to United Kingdom.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning United Kingdom. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Delve into Lower Clapton

Lower Clapton in Greater London (England) is located in United Kingdom a little north-east of London, the country's capital town.

Current time in Lower Clapton is now 05:38 PM (Thursday). The local timezone is named Europe / London with an UTC offset of zero hours. We know of 8 airports close to Lower Clapton, of which 5 are larger airports. The closest airport in United Kingdom is London City Airport in a distance of 6 mi (or 9 km), South-East. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in United Kingdom is Tower of London in a distance of 6 mi (or 10 km), South-East. Also, if you like playing golf, there are some options within driving distance. We encountered 4 points of interest near this location. If you need a hotel, we compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.

While being here, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Hackney, Walthamstow, Islington, City of London and Poplar. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 8°C / 46 °F

Morning Temperature 2°C / 36 °F
Evening Temperature 6°C / 44 °F
Night Temperature 5°C / 42 °F
Chance of rainfall 5%
Air Humidity 88%
Air Pressure 1001 hPa
Wind Speed Moderate breeze with 13 km/h (8 mph) from North
Cloud Conditions Broken clouds, covering 75% of sky
General Conditions Moderate rain

Friday, 24th of January 2025

9°C (49 °F)
6°C (42 °F)
Moderate rain, strong breeze, overcast clouds.

Saturday, 25th of January 2025

6°C (43 °F)
3°C (38 °F)
Broken clouds, gentle breeze.

Sunday, 26th of January 2025

7°C (45 °F)
8°C (47 °F)
Light rain, fresh breeze, scattered clouds.

Hotels and Places to Stay

Town Hall Hotel & Apartments

1,5 mi
Patriot Square 8
E2 9NF London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Courthouse Hotel Shoreditch

2,1 mi
Old Street 335-337
EC1V 9LL London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00


2,2 mi
2 Boundary Street
E2 7DD London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 11:30 - Checkin: 15:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

ACE Hotel - London Shoreditch

2,1 mi
Shoreditch High Street 100
E1 6JQ London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00


2,6 mi
5 Cavell Street
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

Algate Apartment

2,6 mi
6 Bromehead STREET
E1 2PQ London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 10:00 - 18:00
Weekend: 10:00 - 18:00

The Re London Shoreditch

1,5 mi
Hackney Road 419-437
E2 8PP London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

citizenM London Shoreditch

2,3 mi
EC2A 3ET London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

Globe City Apartments

1,9 mi
105 Globe Road
E1 4LB London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 15:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

City Gate Serviced Apartments

2,3 mi
234-236 Whitechapel Road
E1 1BJ London
United Kingdom

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 14:00 - 20:00
Weekend: 14:00 - 20:00

Videos from this area

These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.

London - This City

Published: September 07, 2008
Length: 47:50 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: HTownBoi16

UK Welcome To London Ghetto N15 N16 E3 E5 E8 E9 E13 E15 Tiverton Stamford Hill Bow Clapton Dalston Homerton Plaistow Stratford LDN North East This City.

Crime In Hackney

Published: May 11, 2008
Length: 36:30 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: gosxploshow

Inside Out BBC1.

Hackney carnival 2014.

Published: September 19, 2014
Length: 08:21 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: mahak prajapati


Hackney E5 - Springfield

Published: September 05, 2008
Length: 48:04 min
Rating: 3 of 5
Author: HTownBoi16

uk london e5 springfield estate clapton hackney east spring block CJ.

Hand Feeding Wild Fox - Hackney East London

Published: August 01, 2014
Length: 14:02 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: Ian Phillips

Pulled a trap of this foxes tail one night, it's been my friend ever since. (Of course feeding him had nothing to do with it trusting me) Copyright - Ian Phillips.

Commercial waste collection Hackney London E8

Published: May 04, 2013
Length: 02:16 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: RubbishRemovalEC2

Commercial Waste Collection Hackney London E8. Call 07946 765444 For A FREE Estimate. http://rubbishremovalpro.co.uk/ We offer a range of commercial waste disposal and recycling collection...

What does the Hackney Empire mean to you?

Published: July 18, 2014
Length: 40:11 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Hackney Empire

Comedian Eddie Nestor told us what the Hackney Empire means to him. Not many people know that we're actually a charity, and every pound that we raise gets spent improving what we do. But...

A new dame in Hackney

Published: October 30, 2012
Length: 34:24 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Hackney Empire

Subscribe to our channel for new videos! www.youtube.com/thehackneyempire Introducing our new dame, Sarah the Cook. See what she got up to on her trip around Hackney's markets.

Hackney Empire Panto 2011 - Cinderella

Published: November 03, 2011
Length: 53:49 min
Rating: 3 of 5
Author: Hackney Empire

Subscribe to our channel for new videos! www.youtube.com/thehackneyempire You can take the girls out of Hackney, but you can't take Hackney out of these girls... http://www.hackneyempire.co.uk/ci...

37604,37218 & 37608 Hackney Central NLL

Published: March 17, 2015
Length: 49:08 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: C2Ccam

A trio of DRS 37s pass Hackney Central on the North London Line 37604, 37218 with 37608 bringing up the rear working Willesden DRS to Southminster CEGB 17/03/15.

Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.

Attractions and noteworthy things

Distances are based on the centre of the city/town and sightseeing location. This list contains brief abstracts about monuments, holiday activities, national parcs, museums, organisations and more from the area as well as interesting facts about the region itself. Where available, you'll find the corresponding homepage. Otherwise the related wikipedia article.

Hackney (parish)

Hackney was a parish in the historic county of Middlesex. The parish church of St John-at-Hackney was built in 1789, replacing the nearby former 16th century parish church dedicated to St Augustine (pulled down in 1798). The original tower of that church was retained to hold the bells until the new church could be strengthened; the bells were finally removed to the new St John's in 1854. See details of other, more modern, churches within the original parish boundaries below.

Located at 51.5478, -0.0547444 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
History of Hackney, Religion in Hackney, Parishes governed by vestries (Metropolis), Parishes united into districts (Metropolis), Former civil parishes in England

BSix Sixth Form College

BSix Sixth Form College: Brooke House is a sixth form college located in Upper Clapton, London in the United Kingdom. It officially opened in September 2002, giving students in Hackney the opportunity to study at a college close to where they live. Brooke House has previously been the site of other educational institutions. BSix Brooke House Sixth Form College was opened on the site of the of Brooke House school in September 2002.

Located at 51.5592, -0.0569 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Sixth form colleges in London, Education in Hackney, Educational institutions established in 2002

Sutton House, London

Sutton House is a Grade II* listed Tudor manor house in Homerton High Street, Hackney, London, England. It is owned by the National Trust.

Located at 51.5483, -0.0502778 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article, Homepage
History of Hackney, National Trust properties in London, Grade II* listed buildings in London, Buildings and structures completed in 1535, Houses in Hackney, Museums in Hackney, Historic house museums in London, Reportedly haunted locations in London

Homerton University Hospital

Homerton University Hospital is an NHS-run University Hospital in Homerton, Hackney- East London.

Located at 51.55, -0.046 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article, Homepage
NHS hospitals in London, Health in Hackney, Buildings and structures in Hackney, Education in Hackney, NHS Foundation Trusts, Hospitals established in 1870, 1870 establishments in England, Teaching hospitals in England

Leabridge Park (ward)

Leabridge Park is a ward in the London Borough of Hackney and roughly corresponds to the Lea Bridge district of London, and is distinct from the Lea Bridge (ward) in the neighbouring London Borough of Waltham Forest. It is part of Hackney North and Stoke Newington constituency. The ward returns three councillors to Borough Council, with elections every four years. At the last elections on 6 May 2010, Linda Kelly, Deniz Oguzkanli, and Ian Rathbone, all Labour Party candidates, were returned.

Located at 51.56, -0.05 (Lat. / Lng.), about 1 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Wards of Hackney

St Augustine's Tower Hackney

St Augustine's Tower stands in St John's Church Gardens, in Hackney Central, in the London Borough of Hackney, just off the southern end of the Narrow Way (formerly Church Street). It is all that remains of the early 16th century parish church of Hackney of St Augustine, which replaced the 13th century medieval church founded by the Knights of St John. The Tower comprises four stages beneath a restored parapet with diagonal buttressing.

Located at 51.5478, -0.0547444 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Grade I listed churches in London, Buildings and structures in Hackney, History of Hackney, Churches in Hackney

Sutton Place, Hackney

Sutton Place, is a small street in the London Borough of Hackney. It links Homerton High Street with St John's Church Gardens, in Hackney. The Georgian terrace of 1790–1806, is Grade II listed as a whole, together with the villas on the north side of the street which date from 1820, and is sited in the conservation area around the gardens of St John-at-Hackney. The street replaced Church Path, an historic path connecting the villages of Homerton and Hackney.

Located at 51.5483, -0.0502778 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Streets in Hackney, Grade II listed buildings in London

A107 road

The A107 is an A road in London, England. It runs from Whitechapel to Hackney. Known as Mare Street for much of its length, it crosses the Regent's Canal near the Ash Grove Bus Garage.

Located at 51.5544, -0.05418 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Roads in England

Clapton Square

The Clapton Square Conservation Area, Hackney, was designated in 1969 and extended in 1991 & 2000. It is protected by Acts of Parliament as a London Square. It is dominated by the Church of St John-at-Hackney built in 1792-97, and St John’s Gardens. Its made up of listed late Georgian terraces on Clapton Square. More of these terraces can be found on the south side of Sutton Place (once home to Colin Firth) and pairs of early mid-nineteenth century houses to the north.

Located at 51.5511, -0.0533333 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Squares in Hackney, Grade II listed buildings in London, Streets in Hackney

Church of St John-at-Hackney

The Church of St John-at-Hackney is situated in the London Borough of Hackney. It was built in 1792, in an open field, north east of Hackney's medieval parish church, of which only St Augustine's Tower remains. Separated by the southern extension of Lower Clapton Road, it looks north to the late Georgian Clapton Square.

Located at 51.5492, -0.05336 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article, Homepage
Church of England churches in London, Grade II* listed churches in London, Churches in Hackney, Religious buildings completed in 1792, Georgian architecture in London, Anglican Diocese of London

Chatham (ward)

Chatham is a ward in the London Borough of Hackney and forms part of the Hackney South and Shoreditch constituency. The ward returns three councillors to Borough Council, with an election every four years. At the last local election on 6 May 2010, Luke Akehurst, Sally Mulready, and Guy Nicholson, all Labour Party candidates, were returned. Turnout was 54%; with 4,771 votes cast. In 2001, Chatham ward had a total population of 10,722.

Located at 51.547, -0.048 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Wards of Hackney

Clapton Pond

Clapton Pond is a pond and garden, located in Hackney, east London. The name ‘Clapton’ or ‘farm on the hill’ is derived from the Old English words ‘clop’, meaning a lump or hill, and ‘ton’, meaning a farm. For centuries the land was owned by the Bishops of London, and occupied by tenant farmers who grew hay and food for the City of London. The villages of Lower and Upper Clapton lay on either side of Clapton Lane, which later became the Lower and Upper Clapton Roads.

Located at 51.5561, -0.055 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Parks and open spaces in Hackney, Bodies of water of London

capture of the webcam East London: Lwr Clapton/Powerscroft

East London: Lwr Clapton/Powerscroft, East London (source)

capture of the webcam East London: Homerton High St/Digby Road

East London: Homerton High St/Digby Road, East London (source)

capture of the webcam Haringey: Lr Clapton Rd/Thislewaite Rd

Haringey: Lr Clapton Rd/Thislewaite Rd, Haringey (source)

capture of the webcam Haringey: A107 Upper Clapton Rd/Southwold Rd

Haringey: A107 Upper Clapton Rd/Southwold Rd, Haringey (source)

capture of the webcam East London: Lower Clapton Rd/Rowhill Rd

East London: Lower Clapton Rd/Rowhill Rd, East London (source)

capture of the webcam East London: Mare St/Graham Rd

East London: Mare St/Graham Rd, East London (source)

Webcams provided by webcam.travel are under the copyright of their owners.

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

12 Sep

Workshop On How To Write A Dissertation
Starting at: 10:00 am (10:00).
More Information: eventful.com.

11 Oct

The House Band
Starting at: 04:00 pm (16:00).
More Information: eventful.com.