in Okres Frýdek-Místek of Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia

Location Summary
Decimal Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude):
49.683 and 18.350 (Lat./Lng.)
Coordinates by Time:
N 49° 40' 59" and E 18° 21' 0"
Currency and Currency Code:
Koruna - CZK
Spoken languages:
Czech, Slovak
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Local Time: 08:50 AM (Tuesday)
Timezone: Europe/Prague
UTC/GMT offset: 1 hours
Sunrise and Sunset:
6:16 am and 7:09 pm
Antipode Coordinates:
-44.033 and -176.367 (Lat./Lng.)
Closest place to antipode coordinates:
This place on Wikipedia
This place on
Current travel safety evaluation for Czechia in Eastern Europe

Safety Score: 3,2 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Czech Republic.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Czechia. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Delve into Frýdek-Místek

Frýdek-Místek in Okres Frýdek-Místek (Moravskoslezský kraj) with it's 59,416 habitants is a city located in Czechia about 177 mi (or 285 km) east of Prague, the country's capital town.

Current time in Frýdek-Místek is now 08:50 AM (Tuesday). The local timezone is named Europe / Prague with an UTC offset of 2 hours. We know of 12 airports closer to Frýdek-Místek, of which 4 are larger airports. The closest airport in Czechia is Ostrava Leos Janáček Airport in a distance of 11 mi (or 17 km), West. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site is Auschwitz Birkenau German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945) in Poland at a distance of 44 mi (or 71 km). The closest in Czechia is Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc in a distance of 50 mi (or 71 km), North-East. In need of a room? We compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.

Since you are here already, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Ostrava, Godow, Gorzyce, Cieszyn and Krzyzanowice. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 16°C / 61 °F

Morning Temperature 14°C / 57 °F
Evening Temperature 18°C / 64 °F
Night Temperature 15°C / 59 °F
Chance of rainfall 1%
Air Humidity 78%
Air Pressure 1010 hPa
Wind Speed Gentle Breeze with 6 km/h (4 mph) from North-East
Cloud Conditions Overcast clouds, covering 100% of sky
General Conditions Light rain

Wednesday, 11th of September 2024

21°C (69 °F)
16°C (61 °F)
Broken clouds, gentle breeze.

Thursday, 12th of September 2024

20°C (68 °F)
13°C (55 °F)
Light rain, light breeze, overcast clouds.

Friday, 13th of September 2024

15°C (58 °F)
10°C (51 °F)
Moderate rain, gentle breeze, overcast clouds.

Hotels and Places to Stay


0,2 mi
Tr. T. G. Masaryka 463
738 01 Frýdek-Místek

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 7:00 - 23:30
Weekend: closed

Hotel Terasa

2,2 mi
Nad Prehradou 670
738 01 Frýdek-Místek

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Hotel & Caffe Silesia

0,2 mi
Zámecké Nám. 1258-1259
738 01 Frýdek-Místek

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 15:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Hacienda La Bodega

0,4 mi
Na Porící 1183
73902 Frýdek-Místek 1

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00


0,3 mi
Nadrazni 1089
73801 Frydek-Mistek

Time Information

Checkout: 10:30 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Videos from this area

These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.

Rocky Leon - Hallelujah Live (Frýdek Místek)

Published: June 10, 2012
Length: 13:22 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Zdeněk Machač

9.6.2012 0:41 - ;-) CyberShot DSC-HX9.

Škola Taekwon do ITF Frýdek Místek

Published: April 16, 2014
Length: 38:09 min
Rating: 3 of 5
Author: bubtfm

Záznam Slavnosti bojových umění 2014 ve Frýdku-Místku.

Gooo Beskydy: Vratimov - Frýdek-Místek - Bílá

Published: June 30, 2014
Length: 24:38 min
Rating: 5 of 5

Na jaře 2014 jsme vyzvali čtyři páry, aby nám natáčeli své beskydské výlety na akční GoPro kamery. Celkem se vydali na 22 výletů do různých koutů české a slovenské části...

Dětský folklorní soubor „Ostravička, Frýdek-Místek, ČR

Published: June 24, 2011
Length: 54:43 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: ZAPRASZAeu

17. Mezinárodní folklórní festival CIOFF Frýdek-Místek 2011. Galakoncert, 19.6.2011. 17th IFF CIOFF Frydek-Mistek 2011. The Final concert2001.06.19. 17. Międzynarodowy Festiwal Folkloru...

HC Frýdek-Místek - HC ZUBR Přerov 15.11.2010

Published: December 16, 2010
Length: 18:05 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Karel Petr

V mrazivém podvečeru se Zubři nedostali na provozní teplotu a utrpěli nejvyšší porážku této sezony.

Timelapse Frýdek-Místek 2013-12-30

Published: December 30, 2013
Length: 55:30 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Jakub Volný

První pokus o timelapse video. Složeno z 318 snímků (časový rozsah přibližně 40 minut).

Povodeň 2014, Frýdek-Místek

Published: May 16, 2014
Length: 00:09 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: MateS kofm

Zvedá hladina Ostravice ve Frýdku Místku u bývalé hokejové haly.

Rocky Leon - This Side of You Live (Frýdek Místek)

Published: June 10, 2012
Length: 15:49 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Zdeněk Machač

9.6.2012 2:12 - fail :) CyberShot DSC-HX9.

Hc Frýdek-Místek vs Hc Krnov

Published: February 16, 2013
Length: 06:03 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: HANIS0606

Turnaj 3.tříd Hc Frýdek-Místek vs Hc Krnov 18:0 zaznam 3 třetiny 16.2.2013.

Čokoládová tretra 2014 Frýdek-Místek, Zdeněk Tauš

Published: May 19, 2014
Length: 00:31 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Petr Záveský

Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.

Attractions and noteworthy things

Distances are based on the centre of the city/town and sightseeing location. This list contains brief abstracts about monuments, holiday activities, national parcs, museums, organisations and more from the area as well as interesting facts about the region itself. Where available, you'll find the corresponding homepage. Otherwise the related wikipedia article.


Sviadnov is a village in the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic. It has about 1,350 inhabitants.

Located at 49.7, 18.3333 (Lat. / Lng.), about 1 miles away.
Wikipedia Article, Homepage
Villages in the Czech Republic, Frýdek-Místek District

Frýdek-Místek District

Frýdek-Místek District is a district within the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic. Its administrative center is the city of Frýdek-Místek. It was created by 1960 reform of administrative division. Until the reform, it was a part of Český Těšín District which ceased to exist with the reform. Creation of Frýdek-Místek District redraw ethnic lines in the region.

Located at 49.6856, 18.3506 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Districts of the Czech Republic, Frýdek-Místek District

Sedliště (Frýdek-Místek District)

Sedliště is a village in Frýdek-Místek District, Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. It has a population of 1,316 (2006) and lies in the historical region of Těšín Silesia. There is a wooden All Saints Church in the village.

Located at 49.7225, 18.3622 (Lat. / Lng.), about 3 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Villages in the Czech Republic, Frýdek-Místek District

Staré Město (Frýdek-Místek District)

Staré Město is a village in Frýdek-Místek District, Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. It has a population of 1,264 (2006). Staré Město lies on the confluence of Ostravice and Morávka rivers. It lies in the historical region of Těšín Silesia.

Located at 49.6667, 18.37 (Lat. / Lng.), about 1 miles away.
Wikipedia Article, Homepage
Villages in the Czech Republic, Frýdek-Místek District

Morávka (river)

Morávka is a river in Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. It flows through the historical region of Těšín Silesia. It originates on the slope of Sulov mountain in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids in the elevation of 880 m, near the border with Slovakia. It then flows in northwestward direction through the sparsely populated area. Some 10 km from the source a dam was built in 1961-1966. Lower course of the river is unique due to its natural character and as such it is protected.

Located at 49.6717, 18.3569 (Lat. / Lng.), about 1 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Rivers of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Moravian-Silesian Beskids, Cieszyn Silesia, Frýdek-Místek District

Battle of Czajánek's barracks

The Battle of Czajánek's barracks (also spelled as the Battle of Čajánek's barracks) was a confrontation between the Czechoslovak and German armies, which took place on 14 March 1939 in the course of the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. Together with a clash which allegedly took place at Moravská Třebová, this was the only known Czechoslovak active resistance to the German army during the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939.

Located at 49.6778, 18.3446 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Czech resistance to Nazi occupation, History of Czechoslovakia, Battles involving Germany, Conflicts in 1939, Battles involving Czechoslovakia

capture of the webcam Frýdek-Místek: Náměstí

Frýdek-Místek: Náměstí, Frýdek-Místek (source)

capture of the webcam Frýdek-Místek

Frýdek-Místek, Frýdek-Místek (source)

capture of the webcam Frýdek-Místek

Frýdek-Místek, Frýdek-Místek (source)

capture of the webcam Frýdek-Místek

Frýdek-Místek, Frýdek-Místek (source)

capture of the webcam Frýdek-Místek: Zámecké náměstí

Frýdek-Místek: Zámecké náměstí, Frýdek-Místek (source)

capture of the webcam Morávka: Morávka Mountain Resort ***

Morávka: Morávka Mountain Resort ***, Morávka (source)

Webcams provided by are under the copyright of their owners.

This place is known by different names. Here the ones we know:
Frýdek, Friedeck, Friedek, Frýdek-Místek, فريدك-ميستك, Fridek-Mistek, Горад Фрыдак-Містак, Фридек-Мистек, فریدک-میستک, フリーデク=ミーステク, ფრიდეკ-მისტეკი, 프리데크미스테크, Frydek Mystekas, Frīdekmīsteka, Frydek-Mistek, Мистек, ฟรีเดก-มีสเตก, Фрідек-Містек, 弗里代克-米斯泰克