Safety Score: 2,8 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning we advice caution when travelling to Portugal.
Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Portugal. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03
Explore Rilvas
Rilvas in Alcochete (Setúbal) is located in Portugal about 13 mi (or 22 km) east of Lisbon, the country's capital.
Local time in Rilvas is now 05:16 PM (Saturday). The local timezone is named Europe / Lisbon with an UTC offset of zero hours. We know of 9 airports in the wider vicinity of Rilvas, of which 3 are larger airports. The closest airport in Portugal is Montijo Airport in a distance of 8 mi (or 13 km), West. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).
There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Portugal is Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém in Lisbon in a distance of 6 mi (or 9 km), East. We found 5 points of interest in the vicinity of this place. If you need a place to sleep, we compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.
Depending on your travel schedule, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Alcochete, Montijo, Moita, Palmela and Setubal. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.
Local weather forecast
Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 11°C / 53 °F
Morning Temperature | 6°C / 43 °F |
Evening Temperature | 13°C / 55 °F |
Night Temperature | 10°C / 50 °F |
Chance of rainfall | 0% |
Air Humidity | 64% |
Air Pressure | 1026 hPa |
Wind Speed | Gentle Breeze with 6 km/h (4 mph) from South-West |
Cloud Conditions | Clear sky, covering 0% of sky |
General Conditions | Sky is clear |
Sunday, 19th of January 2025
10°C (51 °F)
13°C (55 °F)
Moderate rain, fresh breeze, overcast clouds.
Monday, 20th of January 2025
15°C (59 °F)
15°C (59 °F)
Heavy intensity rain, moderate breeze, overcast clouds.
Tuesday, 21st of January 2025
17°C (63 °F)
16°C (60 °F)
Moderate rain, fresh breeze, scattered clouds.
Hotels and Places to Stay
Amazónia Palmela Apartamentos
Quinta da Praia das Fontes
Palácio do Rio Frio
Videos from this area
These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.
Vênus Flames @ Estúdio Feedback - Montijo Live´s
Apresentação da banda Vênus Flames no estúdio Feedback em Montijo. Uma boa surpresa numa noite inesquecível. Feedback Live´s é um palco aberto a novos projectos onde mensalmente bandas.
SaBaKaDaVeR | live no metal bar BotaBaixo, Montijo PT
SaBaKaDaVeR - Video review live in metal bar Bota Baixo, Montijo, PT Live Sound Camara PA | BackLIne | Multimédia | by FeedbackProductions.
NAMELESS THEORY - Live in BotaBaixo Montijo @ Feedbackproductions
Parabens aos Nameless Theory pelo grande desempenho no concerto no Metal Bar Bota Baixo em Montijo. Support by Feedbackproductions www.
MANIFESTO na Concentração Motard Montijo 2014
Breve apontamento do excelente concerto dos "Manifesto" na Concentração Motard realizada no dia 3 de Maio na zona ribeirinha de Montijo. Rock On !!!.. (Câmara shots by Sandra Castro / Feedbackp ...
The Royal Blasphemy - Live in BotaBaixo Montijo @ Feedbackproductions
Video do excelente concerto dos The Royal Blasphemy no Metal Bar Bota Baixo em Montijo. Support by Feedbackproductions www.
touro acrobatico no Montijo
touro da cambalhota mas mesmo assim o forcado resiste na noite de tourada no Montijo.
Concerto PERSONA - EP Pressão @ Estúdio Feedback Montijo
Apresentação do primeiro EP "Pressão" da banda PERSONA.
HALLOWEEN @ Estúdio Feedback Montijo
Halloween Party na Academia JDCR Montijo/Estúdios feedback Uma festa diabólica.....
Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.
Attractions and noteworthy things
Distances are based on the centre of the city/town and sightseeing location. This list contains brief abstracts about monuments, holiday activities, national parcs, museums, organisations and more from the area as well as interesting facts about the region itself. Where available, you'll find the corresponding homepage. Otherwise the related wikipedia article.
Academia Sporting
The Academia Sporting is the name given to Sporting's training facilities located outside Alcochete, Portugal. Inaugurated in 2002, The Sporting Academy is the first of such size and quality to be constructed in Portugal. The Academy is the most modern and well equipped academy in Europe; situated in a tranquil environment and climate that is recommended for the preparation of football teams.