Safety Score: 2,8 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning we advice caution when travelling to Portugal.
Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Portugal. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03
Delve into Portalegre
Portalegre in Portalegre (Portalegre) with it's 15,581 habitants is a town located in Portugal about 100 mi (or 160 km) north-east of Lisbon, the country's capital town.
Time in Portalegre is now 10:32 AM (Wednesday). The local timezone is named Europe / Lisbon with an UTC offset of zero hours. We know of 10 airports closer to Portalegre, of which 3 are larger airports. The closest is airport we know is Badajoz Airport in Spain in a distance of 43 mi (or 69 km). The closest airport in Portugal is Covilha Airport in a distance of 67 mi (or 69 km), South-East. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).
There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Portugal is Convent of Christ in Tomar in a distance of 23 mi (or 37 km), North. In need of a room? We compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.
Since you are here already, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Reguengo, Urra, Fortios, Alegrete and Sao Juliao. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.
Local weather forecast
Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 13°C / 55 °F
Morning Temperature | 10°C / 51 °F |
Evening Temperature | 10°C / 50 °F |
Night Temperature | 10°C / 49 °F |
Chance of rainfall | 19% |
Air Humidity | 88% |
Air Pressure | 1008 hPa |
Wind Speed | Moderate breeze with 9 km/h (6 mph) from North-East |
Cloud Conditions | Overcast clouds, covering 100% of sky |
General Conditions | Heavy intensity rain |
Thursday, 23rd of January 2025
13°C (55 °F)
9°C (48 °F)
Light rain, light breeze, scattered clouds.
Friday, 24th of January 2025
13°C (56 °F)
10°C (50 °F)
Light rain, gentle breeze, few clouds.
Saturday, 25th of January 2025
11°C (52 °F)
5°C (41 °F)
Light rain, gentle breeze, overcast clouds.
Hotels and Places to Stay
Rossio Hotel
Monte dos Apostolos
Convento da Provenca
Cabeças do Reguengo
Videos from this area
These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.
Cidade de Portalegre Vídeo realizado e produzido por Gonçalo Curado na cidade de Portalegre. O vídeo fez parte de um projecto de estágio e foi gentilmente cedido ao Portalegre...
Sérgio Silvestre - 28ª Baja Portalegre 2014
2ª participação no Baja Portalegre do Sérgio Silvestre #154.
Forcados de Portalegre - várias gerações
Filme de várias gerações de forcados do GFA Portalegre apresentado na festa de final de época de 2011. Autoria de Débora Louro e Francisco Paralta.
Piscina Municipal de Portalegre - verão 2013
Nos anos 70 do século passado Portalegre vivia uma ampla fase de desenvolvimento social alicerçada na sua industria transformadora e serviços estatais. Nas actividades lúdicas sobressaia,...
Feira das Cebolas - Portalegre 21.09.2013
sabes-me explicar, porque acabou a grande feira e festa das cebolas ..................Os Portalegrenses passavam o ano à espera desse acontecimento, que era a nossa grande festa. Fazia-mos...
Noite de Santo António em Portalegre - 12.06.2013
A crise do sistema financeiro mundial, travou abruptamente o desenvolvimento social que se vinha evidenciando nas ultimas décadas. Hoje Portalegre morre a olhos vistos com a migração ...
Granizo e Água-neve - Portalegre (25JAN09)
Forte aguaceiro de granizo e água-neve à saída de Portalegre em direcção aos Fortios.
Dia Mundial da Mulher - Portalegre 8 de Março 2014
No Dia Mundial da Mulher, 2014, realizou-se em Portalegre um encontro nos "Momentos de Poesia" da Biblioteca Municipal com a presença da Presidente da Câmara Maria Adelaide Teixeira. Neste...
Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.
Attractions and noteworthy things
Distances are based on the centre of the city/town and sightseeing location. This list contains brief abstracts about monuments, holiday activities, national parcs, museums, organisations and more from the area as well as interesting facts about the region itself. Where available, you'll find the corresponding homepage. Otherwise the related wikipedia article.
Portalegre District
Portalegre District is located in the south of Portugal. The district capital is the city of Portalegre.
Portalegre Castle
The Portalegre Castle is a Portuguese castle in Portalegre. It stands out over the older part of the town because of its imposing location over a higher area and because of the contrast between its dark walls and the prevailing whitewashed houses. It served chiefly as a defence of the frontier zone in front of Castile.
Alto Alentejo Subregion
Alto Alentejo is a NUTS3 subregion of the Alentejo Region, in Portugal. It consists of 15 concelhos. It has a total area of 6,230 km² and a population of 127,025 (2001); thus 20,3 people/km². The chief city is Portalegre Alto Alentejo is composed entirely of Portalegre District, and one municipality of the Évora District, Mora.