Facts and Data

Official Unesco Page

Basis Data:
Unesco World heritage since: 1979
Size of heritage: 199 ha
- Buffer zone: 9,936 ha

Longitude: 20,423°
Latitude: 43,119°


On the outskirts of Stari Ras, the first capital of Serbia, there is an impressive group of medieval monuments consisting of fortresses, churches and monasteries. The monastery at Sopoćani is a reminder of the contacts between Western civilization and the Byzantine world.

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Stari Ras and Sopoćani: A Glimpse into Serbia's Rich History

Situated in the vicinity of Novi Pazar, in the Raška District of the Republic of Serbia, the UNESCO World Heritage site of Stari Ras and Sopoćani offers a captivating journey into the country's rich history. This site encompasses two distinct locations, each with its own unique historical significance.

Historical Background

Stari Ras, also known as Old Ras, was the first capital of Serbia during the Middle Ages. It served as the political and cultural center of the Serbian state from the 9th to the 13th century. The town flourished under the rule of the Nemanjić dynasty, which played a crucial role in the formation of the Serbian state.

During this period, Stari Ras witnessed the construction of numerous religious and secular buildings, including the Church of St. Peter, which still stands today. This church, with its distinctive Byzantine architectural style, is a testament to the cultural and artistic achievements of the time.

Another significant site within the Stari Ras complex is the Monastery of Đurđevi Stupovi. Founded in the 12th century, this monastery played a vital role in the spiritual and cultural life of medieval Serbia. Its stunning frescoes, depicting biblical scenes and saints, are considered masterpieces of Byzantine art.

Sopoćani, located approximately 15 kilometers from Stari Ras, is home to the Sopoćani Monastery. Built in the 13th century, this monastery is renowned for its exceptional frescoes, which are considered among the finest examples of Serbian medieval art. The frescoes depict scenes from the life of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and various saints, showcasing the artistic brilliance of the time.

Current State

Today, Stari Ras and Sopoćani continue to captivate visitors with their historical and cultural significance. The sites have been meticulously preserved and restored, allowing visitors to experience the grandeur of Serbia's medieval past.

The Church of St. Peter in Stari Ras stands as a testament to the architectural achievements of the time. Its intricate frescoes and ornate decorations provide a glimpse into the artistic prowess of medieval Serbia. The Monastery of Đurđevi Stupovi, although partially destroyed, still retains its original charm and offers a serene atmosphere for contemplation.

The Sopoćani Monastery, with its breathtaking frescoes, remains a major attraction for art enthusiasts and history buffs alike. The delicate brushstrokes and vibrant colors of the frescoes have stood the test of time, preserving the artistic legacy of medieval Serbia.

Efforts have been made to ensure the long-term preservation of these sites. Conservation projects, supported by UNESCO and the Serbian government, have been implemented to safeguard the architectural and artistic treasures of Stari Ras and Sopoćani.

Visiting Stari Ras and Sopoćani is like stepping back in time, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich history and cultural heritage of Serbia. These sites serve as a reminder of the country's glorious past and its contributions to art, architecture, and spirituality.

As a UNESCO World Heritage site, Stari Ras and Sopoćani continue to inspire and educate visitors from around the world, ensuring that the legacy of medieval Serbia lives on for future generations to appreciate and cherish.