in Eastern Africa

National active POI
Country Quickfacts
Currency and Currency Code:
Rupee - SCR
Spoken languages:
English, French
Local electricity:
240 V - 50 Hz (plugs: G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 3G
ISO 2-Letter code:
Internet top level domain:
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours

Directory of airlines and airports

Here a list (ordered alphabetically by name) of the airports we know in Seychelles. If you know of an airport that is missing or one that is no longer in operation, let us know :)

National Airports
National Airlines

Airport Name IATA ICAO Area
Bird Island Airport
BDI FSSB Bird Island
Denis Island Airport
DEI FSSD Denis Island
Desroches Airport
DES FSDR Desroches Island
Frégate Island Airport
also knows as: Fregate Is
FRK FSSF Frégate Island, Fregate Is
Praslin Airport
PRI FSPP Praslin Island, Seychelles
Praslin Island Airport
PRI SC-0 Praslin Island, Seychelles
Seychelles International Airport
SEZ FSIA Mahe Island, Victoria, Seychelles

National airlines

Airline (Nickname) Callsign Website
Air Seychelles
Air Seychelles Limited