Address & Contact

Contact Information:

Street address:
Eareckson Air Station

GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: 174,114°
Latitude: 52,712°


Eareckson Air Station is a medium sized airport in United States, serving the region of Shemya. The longest runway is 10.000 feet or 3.048 meters long.

Airport size: medium airport
Serving area: Shemya
Longest runway: 10000 (ft)


Flight information:
Departure times (FlightStats)
Flight times (FlightRadar24)

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About the airport

Eareckson Air Station (SYA), with the ICAO-Code PASY, is a military airport located on Shemya Island in the United States. Although primarily a military installation, it also serves as a refueling stop for civilian aircraft crossing the Pacific Ocean.

The airport is situated in the Aleutian Islands, offering a unique and remote experience for travelers. It features a single runway and limited facilities, catering mainly to military personnel and contractors. As a result, amenities for civilian travelers are limited, and it is advisable to bring essential supplies and provisions.

Shemya Island itself is known for its rugged beauty and wildlife, making it an intriguing destination for nature enthusiasts. However, due to its remote location, there are no accommodations or tourist services available on the island. Travelers should plan accordingly and arrange for transportation to their final destination before arriving at Eareckson Air Station.

Overall, Eareckson Air Station provides a vital link for transpacific flights, but travelers should be prepared for the remote and austere environment it offers.