Address & Contact

Contact Information:

Telefonnummer: +44 1223 440040

Street address:
Snap Lake Airport
Unit E1 Brookfield Business Centre
Twentypence Road
Cottenham CB24 8PS
Vereinigtes Königreich

GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: -110,906°
Latitude: 63,594°


Snap Lake Airport is a medium sized airport in Canada, serving the region of Snap Lake.

Airport size: small airport
Serving area: Snap Lake
Longest runway: 0 (ft)


Flight information:
Departure times (FlightStats)
Flight times (FlightRadar24)

Location on map

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About the airport

Snap Lake Airport (IATA: YNX, ICAO: CSK6) is a small airport located in Canada. Situated near the Snap Lake Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, this airport primarily serves the mining industry and is not open to public commercial flights.

As a traveller planning your trip, it is important to note that Snap Lake Airport is not equipped with passenger facilities or services typically found in larger airports. It lacks amenities such as restaurants, shops, or rental car services. Additionally, there are no public transportation options available directly from the airport.

If you are visiting the Snap Lake Diamond Mine or have business in the area, it is recommended to arrange transportation and accommodations in advance. The nearest town, Yellowknife, is approximately 220 kilometers away and offers a wider range of services and amenities.

Please ensure you have the necessary permissions and arrangements in place before attempting to access Snap Lake Airport, as it is primarily restricted to authorized personnel.

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