Facts and Data

Official Unesco Page

Basis Data:
Unesco World heritage since: 2010
Size of heritage: 3.00 ha
- Buffer zone: 2,500 ha

Longitude: -36,790°
Latitude: -10,984°


São Francisco Square, in the town of São Cristovão, is a quadrilateral open space surrounded by substantial early buildings such as São Francisco Church and convent, the Church and Santa Casa da Misericórdia, the Provincial Palace and the associated houses of different historical periods surrounding the Square. This monumental ensemble, together with the surrounding 18th- and 19th- century houses, creates an urban landscape which reflects the history of the town since its origin. The Franciscan complex is an example of the typical architecture of the religious order developed in north-eastern Brazil.

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São Francisco Square in the Town of São Cristóvão

The São Francisco Square, located in the historic town of São Cristóvão, Brazil, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that holds immense cultural and historical significance. This square, situated at coordinates S11 0 58 W37 12 36, is a testament to the rich colonial past of Brazil and serves as a remarkable example of Portuguese architecture in the Americas.


The history of São Francisco Square dates back to the 17th century when the Portuguese established the town of São Cristóvão as the capital of Sergipe Province. The square was initially designed as the central hub of the town, serving as a meeting point for social, political, and religious activities. Over the centuries, the square witnessed the rise and fall of various colonial powers, including the Portuguese, Dutch, and French, each leaving their mark on the architecture and culture of the region.

During the 18th century, São Francisco Square underwent significant transformations, with the construction of several important buildings. The most notable of these is the Church and Convent of São Francisco, a magnificent example of Baroque architecture. The church's intricate façade, adorned with sculptures and decorative elements, is a sight to behold. The interior is equally impressive, featuring ornate altars, beautiful paintings, and intricate woodwork.

Another prominent structure in the square is the Governor's Palace, a grand colonial mansion that served as the residence of the provincial governors. This elegant building showcases a blend of Portuguese and French architectural styles, with its grand entrance, balconies, and decorative elements.

Current State

Today, São Francisco Square stands as a well-preserved testament to the colonial heritage of Brazil. The square and its surrounding buildings have been meticulously restored, ensuring their historical and architectural integrity. Visitors to the square can immerse themselves in the rich history of the region, exploring the various buildings and experiencing the vibrant atmosphere.

The Church and Convent of São Francisco remains the centerpiece of the square, attracting tourists and pilgrims alike. Its stunning architecture and religious significance make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Brazilian history and culture. The Governor's Palace, now converted into a museum, offers visitors a glimpse into the lives of the colonial elite, showcasing period furniture, artwork, and historical artifacts.

Aside from the architectural wonders, São Francisco Square also hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year. These events celebrate the local traditions, music, and cuisine, providing visitors with a unique and immersive experience.

Preserving the São Francisco Square and its surrounding buildings is of utmost importance to the local authorities and the Brazilian government. Efforts are continuously made to maintain and protect this UNESCO World Heritage site, ensuring that future generations can appreciate and learn from its historical and cultural significance.

In conclusion, São Francisco Square in the Town of São Cristóvão is a remarkable UNESCO World Heritage site that showcases the colonial history and architectural brilliance of Brazil. Its well-preserved buildings and vibrant atmosphere make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and cultural explorers.