in Brasília of Federal District, Brazil

Location Summary
Decimal Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude):
-15.780 and -47.930 (Lat./Lng.)
Coordinates by Time:
S -15° 46' 46" and W -47° 55' 46"
Currency and Currency Code:
Real - BRL
Spoken languages:
Portuguese, Spanish, English, French
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Local Time: 03:57 PM (Monday)
Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo
UTC/GMT offset: -3 hours
Sunrise and Sunset:
6:10 am and 6:06 pm
Antipode Coordinates:
13.333 and 125.083 (Lat./Lng.)
Closest place to antipode coordinates:
This place on Wikipedia
This place on
Current travel safety evaluation for Brazil in South America

Safety Score: 3,1 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Brazil.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Brazil. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Delve into Brasília

Brasília in Brasília (Federal District) with it's 2,207,718 habitants is a town located in Brazil. It's the capital of this country.

Time in Brasília is now 03:57 PM (Monday). The local timezone is named America / Sao Paulo with an UTC offset of -3 hours. We know of 8 airports closer to Brasília, of which one is a larger airport. The closest airport in Brazil is Presidente Juscelino Kubistschek International Airport in a distance of 6 mi (or 10 km), South. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

In need of a room? We compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.

Since you are here already, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Cristalina, Goiania, Caldas Novas, Taguatinga and Belo Horizonte. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 28°C / 82 °F

Morning Temperature 16°C / 60 °F
Evening Temperature 26°C / 78 °F
Night Temperature 21°C / 71 °F
Chance of rainfall 0%
Air Humidity 20%
Air Pressure 1018 hPa
Wind Speed Gentle Breeze with 8 km/h (5 mph) from South-West
Cloud Conditions Clear sky, covering 0% of sky
General Conditions Sky is clear

Monday, 9th of September 2024

28°C (83 °F)
22°C (72 °F)
Sky is clear, moderate breeze, clear sky.

Tuesday, 10th of September 2024

29°C (85 °F)
23°C (73 °F)
Sky is clear, moderate breeze, clear sky.

Wednesday, 11th of September 2024

30°C (86 °F)
25°C (76 °F)
Few clouds, gentle breeze.

Hotels and Places to Stay

Grand Mercure Brasilia Eixo Monumental

2,7 mi
Setor Hoteleiro Norte quadra 5 Bloco G
70710300 Brasília

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 12:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Cullinan HPLUS Premium

2,8 mi
SHN, Quadra 4, Bloco E
71015015 Brasilia

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Windsor Plaza Brasilia 75954

2,7 mi
SHS Qd. 05 Bl. H
70322-91 Brasilia

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

Nobile Suites Monumental

2,8 mi
SHN Quadra 04, Lote B - Asa Norte
70704-00 Brasília

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Allia Gran Hotel Brasilia Suites

2,7 mi
SHN Quadra 05 Asa Norte
70505-000 Brasília

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Meliá Brasil 21

2,6 mi
SHS Quadra 6 - BDF, Asa Sul
70316-00 Brasília

Time Information

Checkout: 14:00 - Checkin: 12:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Hotel Grand Bittar

2,6 mi
SHS Quadra 05 Bloco A
70322-91 Brasília

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

Mercure Brasilia Lider Hotel

2,7 mi
Shn Qd 5 Bloco I Asa Norte Brasilia - DF
70705912 Brasília

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 12:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Athos Bulcao HPLUS Executive

2,7 mi
Setor Hoteleiro Norte,SHN / Quadra 05, Bloco D - Asa Norte
70705-050 Brasília

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Hotel Colonial Brasília

0,6 mi
SRES Quadra 03 Conjunto "H" Casa 57
70640-08 Brasilia

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 12:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

Videos from this area

These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.

Catedral metropolitana de Brasília

Published: February 23, 2013
Length: 02:34 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: light222333

Pouso no Aeroporto de Brasília SBBR - Landing Boeing 737-800

Published: September 16, 2012
Length: 49:04 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: EduBHPMW

Pouso no Aeroporto de Brasília - Brasil - Landing at Airport of Brasilia - Brazil - Landing at Flughafen von Brasilia - Brasilien - Кацане на летище Бразилия - Бразили...

Imagens de Brasília

Published: January 10, 2009
Length: 25:03 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: Jorge Martins Rodrigues

Vista panorâmica da Capital Brasileira com imagens de arquivo especialmente cedidas pela Fabrika Filmes (Brasília-DF). Edição: Jorge Rodrigues. Trilha sonora: "Música 3", composição...

INRI CRISTO desfila em Brasília, Nova Jerusalém (Apoc. c.21)

Published: November 16, 2013
Length: 54:47 min
Rating: 2 of 5
Author: MÉPIC MovimentoEcléticoPróINRICRISTO

INRI CRISTO desfila em Brasília, Nova Jerusalém (Apoc. c.21) - 12/11/2013 INRI CRISTO na web diariamente às 11:00 h da manhã (horário de Brasília), SÁBADOS AO VIVO no canal http://www.inric...

O Casamento de Ana Carolina e Victor - Porto Vitória - Brasília

Published: July 14, 2013
Length: 09:50 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Cesar JB

Casamento de Ana Carolina e Victor Em Porto Vitória - Brasília 29/06/2013 Fotos: Júlio Dutra -

Anjos de Resgate: (Mensagem); Amigos Pela Fé; Mais que Amigos (Em Brasília)

Published: November 15, 2011
Length: 11:10 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: Lammunier Lima

Trecho do show em Brasília, lançado em CD/DVD pela Codimuc, contendo mensagem sobre amizade. Compre o DVD, divulgue, mas também contribua com os artistas.

Brasília 50 time lapse hdr

Published: May 15, 2010
Length: 25:17 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: miguelnetto

Aumente o som e se a sua conexão permitir, assista em 480p, 720p (HD) ou 1080p (full HD). Nesse meu primeiro filme em time lapse foram utilizadas 14.890 fotos obtidas com uma câmera Nikon...

Voo panorâmico sobre Brasília

Published: December 10, 2013
Length: 03:58 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Sergio Souza

Este voo panorâmico sobre Brasília foi realizado em 23 de novembro de 2013. Essa aventura foi proporcionada pelos pilotos da APUB - Associação de Pilotos de Ultraleve de Brasília, numa...

Manifestação pela democracia reúne mais de 2000 pessoas em Brasília

Published: March 13, 2015
Length: 09:22 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Partido dos Trabalhadores

Nesta sexta-feira (13), diversas cidades do País tiveram manifestação organizada por centrais sindicais e movimentos sociais em defesa da Petrobrás e da democracia legitimada pelas eleições...

Casa Cor Brasília apresenta opções ecológicas para decoração

Published: October 31, 2013
Length: 03:02 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: TVSuprenBrasilia

A Casa Cor Brasília está na sua 22ª edição. Este ano, são 43 ambientes e, além da estética e do conforto, alguns arquitetos resolveram focar, também, na sustentabilidade.

Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.

Attractions and noteworthy things

Distances are based on the centre of the city/town and sightseeing location. This list contains brief abstracts about monuments, holiday activities, national parcs, museums, organisations and more from the area as well as interesting facts about the region itself. Where available, you'll find the corresponding homepage. Otherwise the related wikipedia article.


Brazil Listen/brəˈzɪl/, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, is the largest country in both South America and the Latin America region. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population, with over 193 million people. It is the largest Lusophone country in the world, and the only one in the Americas. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of 7,491 km .

Located at -15.75, -47.95 (Lat. / Lng.), about 2 miles away.
Wikipedia Article, Homepage
Brazil, Countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Countries in South America, Federal constitutional republics, Former Portuguese colonies, G15 nations, G20 nations, Latin American countries, Liberal democracies, Member states of Mercosur, Member states of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, Member states of the Union of South American Nations, Member states of the United Nations, Portuguese-speaking countries, States and territories established in 1822, Article Feedback 5 Additional Articles

Brazilian Intelligence Agency

The Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Portuguese: Agência Brasileira de Inteligência; ABIN) is the successor organization to the Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI) or National Information Service formed during the government of Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco in the mid-1960s.

Located at -15.821, -47.94 (Lat. / Lng.), about 3 miles away.
Wikipedia Article, Homepage
Brazilian intelligence agencies, Government of Brazil

Central-West Region, Brazil

The Central-West Region of Brazil (Portuguese: Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil) is composed of the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul; along with Distrito Federal (Federal District), where Brazil's national capital, Brasília, is situated. This Region is right in the heart of Brazil, representing 18.86% of the national territory.

Located at -15.7797, -47.9306 (Lat. / Lng.), about 0 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Regions of Brazil

Estádio Nacional Mané Garrincha

Estádio Nacional Mané Garrincha. is a multi-purpose stadium in Brasília, Brazil. It is currently used mostly for football matches. The stadium holds 70,064. and was built in 1974. It hosts the home games of Legião Futebol Clube. Estádio Mané Garrincha is owned by the Department of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of Distrito Federal. The name is a homage to the football legend Mané Garrincha, who won the 1958 and 1962 World Cup with the Brazil national team.

Located at -15.7835, -47.8992 (Lat. / Lng.), about 2 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Football venues in Brazil, Sports venues completed in 1974, Sports venues in Brasília, Multi-purpose stadiums in Brazil, 2016 Summer Olympic venues, Olympic football venues, 2014 FIFA World Cup stadiums

Monumental Axis

The Monumental Axis ("Eixo Monumental" in Portuguese) is a central avenue in Brasília's city design. The avenue begins on the National Congress of Brazil building and is considered part of the DF-002 road. Its first section is known as "Ministries Esplanade" ("Esplanada dos Ministérios"), as it is surrounded by ministries buildings. Many important government buildings, monuments and memorials are located on the Monumental Axis.

Located at -15.7869, -47.9036 (Lat. / Lng.), about 2 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
National museums of Brazil, National squares, Museum districts, Monuments and memorials in Brazil, Buildings and structures in Brasília, Oscar Niemeyer buildings

Brasilia TV Tower

The Brasília TV Tower was completed in 1967 (the observation platform was opened in 1965) at a height of 218 meters, but in 1987 another 6 meter was added by the TV channel Bandeirantes. Now the TV Tower is 224 m height. This tower is the second tallest tower in Brasilia and is also one of the most noticeable when you drive across Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge. It is located on Brasilia's Monumental Axis.

Located at -15.7906, -47.8928 (Lat. / Lng.), about 3 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Towers in Brazil, Buildings and structures in Brasília, Buildings and structures completed in 1967

Autódromo Internacional Nelson Piquet (Brasília)

Autódromo Internacional Nelson Piquet is a race course in Brasília, the capital of Brazil. With 5.476 km of length, the name of the circuit was originally Autódromo de Brasília at the establishment in 1974, but later changed to the current name. The circuit brought a non-championship Formula One race to Brasília one week after 1974's official Brazilian GP.

Located at -15.7761, -47.9001 (Lat. / Lng.), about 2 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Motorsport venues in Brazil, Sports venues in Brasília

Nilson Nelson Gymnasium

Nilson Nelson Gymnasium (Ginásio Nilson Nelson) is an indoor sporting arena located in Brasília, Brazil. The capacity of the arena is 16,600 spectators and it was built in 1973. It is used mainly for basketball, futsal and volleyball and will some host matches during the 2008 FIFA Futsal World Cup.

Located at -15.7831, -47.9031 (Lat. / Lng.), about 2 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Indoor arenas in Brazil, Sports venues in Brasília

This place is known by different names. Here the ones we know:
Бразилиа, Brasília, ብራዚሊያ, برازيليا, Brasilia, Brazilia, برازیلیا, Горад Бразілія, Бразилия, ব্রাসিলিয়া, པུ་རུ་ཟི་ལི་ཡ།, Brazilija, بەڕازیلیا, ބްރަސީލިއާ, Μπραζίλια, Braziljo, ברזיליה, ब्रासीलिया, Brazíliaváros, Բրազիլիա, BSB, Brasilía, ブラジリア, ბრაზილია, ಬ್ರೆಸಿಲಿಯಾ, 브라질리아, Бразилия шаары, Brasiliopolis, Braxìlia, بئرازیلیا, Brazilja, Бразилија, ബ്രസീലിയ, ब्राझिलिया, ဘရာစေးလေးယားမြို့, ब्रसिलिया, ବ୍ରାସିଲିଆ, ਬ੍ਰਾਜ਼ੀਲੀਆ, Breselya, برازیلیہ, Brazilėjė, Brazília, பிரசிலியா, Ҳавзаи федералии Бразилиа, บราซีเลีย, Бразиліа, براسیلیا, Braxiłia, 巴西利亞, בראזיליא, Bràsílíà, Bahsihleihya, 巴西利亚