Address & Contact

Contact Information:
Telefonnummer: +39 045 809 5666

Street address:
Vanrook Station Airport
37066 Caselle Verona

GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: 141,950°
Latitude: -16,963°


Vanrook Station Airport is a small airport in Australia.

Airport size: small airport
Longest runway: 0 (ft)


Flight information:
Departure times (FlightStats)
Flight times (FlightRadar24)

Location on map

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About the airport

Vanrook Station Airport (IATA: VNR, ICAO: YVRS) is a small regional airport located in the vast outback of Australia. Situated in the remote Vanrook Station, it serves as a vital transportation hub for travellers exploring this rugged and picturesque region.

Despite its remote location, Vanrook Station Airport offers essential facilities to ensure a comfortable journey. The airport features a single terminal building with basic amenities, including restrooms and a small café serving refreshments. However, it is important to note that the airport does not have any duty-free shops or extensive dining options.

Vanrook Station Airport primarily serves as a gateway to the stunning natural attractions nearby. Travellers can easily access the breathtaking Vanrook Gorge, renowned for its towering cliffs and pristine waterfalls. The airport also provides convenient access to the vast Vanrook Station, offering opportunities for adventurous activities such as hiking, wildlife spotting, and camping.

Please note that due to its remote location, it is advisable to plan your trip to Vanrook Station Airport carefully, ensuring you have all necessary supplies and accommodations arranged in advance.