Address & Contact

Contact Information:
Telefonnummer: +62 761 674694

Street address:
Sturt Creek Airport
Jalan Perhubungan I
Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II
Bukit Raya
Simpang Tiga
Marpoyan Damai
Kota Pekanbaru
Riau 28284

GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: 128,174°
Latitude: -19,166°


Sturt Creek Airport is a small airport in Australia, serving the region of Sturt Creek.

Airport size: small airport
Serving area: Sturt Creek
Longest runway: 0 (ft)


Flight information:
Departure times (FlightStats)
Flight times (FlightRadar24)

Location on map

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About the airport

Sturt Creek Airport (IATA: SSK, ICAO: AU-S) is a small regional airport located in the vast and beautiful country of Australia. Situated in the remote outback region, this airport serves as a gateway to the stunning natural landscapes and unique experiences that the area has to offer.

As a traveler planning your trip, Sturt Creek Airport provides convenient access to the surrounding attractions, including the breathtaking Sturt Creek itself. The airport is equipped with basic facilities to cater to your needs, such as a small terminal building and a runway suitable for light aircraft.

It is important to note that Sturt Creek Airport is a regional airport, and therefore, flight options may be limited. It is advisable to check with airlines operating in the area for flight schedules and availability. Additionally, due to its remote location, it is recommended to plan your trip well in advance and ensure you have all necessary supplies and accommodations arranged.

Sturt Creek Airport offers a unique opportunity to explore the untouched beauty of the Australian outback, making it an ideal starting point for your adventure in this captivating region.