Address & Contact

Contact Information:

Telefonnummer: (0)6893 830

Street address:
Saibai Island Airport
66131 Saarbrücken

GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: 142,625°
Latitude: -9,378°


Saibai Island Airport is a small airport in Australia, serving the region of Saibai Island. The longest runway is 2.099 feet or 640 meters long.

Airport size: small airport
Serving area: Saibai Island
Longest runway: 2099 (ft)


Flight information:
Departure times (FlightStats)
Flight times (FlightRadar24)

Location on map

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About the airport

Saibai Island Airport (IATA: SBR, ICAO: YSII) is a small airport located on Saibai Island in the Torres Strait, Australia. As the northernmost airport in Queensland, it serves as a vital transportation hub for the region.

The airport is well-equipped with a single asphalt runway, measuring approximately 1,200 meters in length. It primarily caters to domestic flights, connecting Saibai Island with other major cities in Australia. However, it is important to note that there are limited flight options available, so it is advisable to plan your trip accordingly.

Facilities at Saibai Island Airport are basic but sufficient for travelers' needs. Passengers can find a small terminal building with check-in counters, baggage claim area, and a waiting lounge. There are no dining or shopping options within the airport, so it is recommended to bring your own refreshments.

Transportation to and from the airport is limited, with taxis being the most common mode of transport. It is advisable to pre-arrange transportation or check with your accommodation for pick-up services.

Overall, Saibai Island Airport provides essential air connectivity to this remote region of Australia, ensuring convenient travel for both locals and visitors.