Aland Islands
in Northern Europe

National active POI
Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Spoken languages:
Local electricity:
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
ISO 2-Letter code:
Internet top level domain:
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours

Explore Aland Islands

Aland Islands with its capital is located in Europe. It covers some 1 square kilometers. Swedish is the official language spoken by people in Aland Islands. Thiscountry has no land-based border with any other country.

Popular Destinations in Aland Islands

Administrative regions of Aland Islands

About the country

The topography is . The average density of population is about nan per km². The climate in Aland Islands can be described as .

To reach someone Aland Islands dial prior to a number. The local cellular networks are operated on . Websites typically end with the top level domain "". If you want to bring electric appliances (e.g. battery chaarger), keep in min the local . The sign for the locally used currency is .


Flag of Aland Islands