Facts and Data

Official Unesco Page

Basis Data:
Unesco World heritage since: 2011
Size of heritage: 23,000 ha

Longitude: 37,400°
Latitude: 5,300°


Konso Cultural Landscape is a 55km2 arid property of stone walled terraces and fortified settlements in the Konso highlands of Ethiopia. It constitutes a spectacular example of a living cultural tradition stretching back 21 generations (more than 400 years) adapted to its dry hostile environment. The landscape demonstrates the shared values, social cohesion and engineering knowledge of its communities. The site also features anthropomorphic wooden statues - grouped to represent respected members of their communities and particularly heroic events - which are an exceptional living testimony to funerary traditions that are on the verge of disappearing. Stone steles in the towns express a complex system of marking the passing of generations of leaders.

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The Konso Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in southern Ethiopia, at coordinates N5 17 60 E37 23 60. This unique landscape is home to the Konso people, who have inhabited the region for centuries. The site is renowned for its terraced agricultural fields, stone-walled settlements, and rich cultural traditions.


The Konso people have a long and fascinating history that dates back over 400 years. They have developed a complex and sustainable agricultural system, which includes the construction of terraces on the steep slopes of the landscape. These terraces help prevent soil erosion and allow the Konso people to cultivate crops such as sorghum, maize, and cotton.

Over the centuries, the Konso people have also built impressive stone-walled settlements known as paletsas. These fortified villages serve as the social and political centers of the community. The paletsas are constructed using a unique technique called dry-stone walling, where stones are carefully stacked without the use of mortar.

Current State

The Konso Cultural Landscape is currently facing several challenges that threaten its preservation. One of the main concerns is the impact of climate change on the region. The changing weather patterns, including prolonged droughts and unpredictable rainfall, have had a detrimental effect on the agricultural practices of the Konso people.

Additionally, the increasing population and modernization have led to the encroachment of modern buildings and infrastructure on the traditional Konso settlements. This has resulted in the loss of some of the unique stone-walled paletsas and the erosion of the cultural heritage of the Konso people.

Efforts are being made to address these challenges and ensure the preservation of the Konso Cultural Landscape. The local community, in collaboration with national and international organizations, has implemented various conservation projects. These initiatives focus on sustainable agriculture, water management, and the promotion of cultural tourism.

Furthermore, the Konso people have established cultural centers and museums to showcase their rich traditions and educate visitors about their way of life. These centers provide a platform for the Konso people to share their knowledge and skills with the younger generation, ensuring the continuity of their cultural heritage.


The Konso Cultural Landscape in Ethiopia is a remarkable UNESCO World Heritage site that showcases the unique agricultural practices and cultural traditions of the Konso people. Despite the challenges it faces, efforts are being made to preserve this invaluable heritage. By promoting sustainable agriculture, protecting the stone-walled settlements, and raising awareness about the Konso culture, the local community and various organizations are working together to ensure the longevity of this extraordinary landscape.