Facts and Data

Official Unesco Page

Basis Data:
Unesco World heritage since: 1999
Size of heritage: 111,930 ha

Longitude: -38,750°
Latitude: -15,500°


The Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, in the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo, consist of eight separate protected areas containing 112,000 ha of Atlantic forest and associated shrub (restingas). The rainforests of Brazil’s Atlantic coast are the world’s richest in terms of biodiversity. The site contains a distinct range of species with a high level of endemism and reveals a pattern of evolution that is not only of great scientific interest but is also of importance for conservation.

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Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves: A Natural Treasure in Brazil

The Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, located along the Atlantic Coast in the states of Bahia and Espirito Santo in northeast Brazil, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that encompasses a vast area of pristine tropical rainforest. Spanning over 112,000 hectares, this site is a true natural treasure, boasting exceptional biodiversity and a rich cultural history.


The history of the Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves dates back to the 16th century when Portuguese explorers first arrived in Brazil. This region played a crucial role in the country's colonial history as it served as the landing point for the Portuguese fleet led by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500. The arrival of the Portuguese marked the beginning of European colonization in Brazil.

During the colonial period, the Atlantic Forest Reserves were heavily exploited for their valuable natural resources, including timber and Brazilwood. The region became a major hub for the production and export of these resources, leading to significant deforestation and environmental degradation.

Recognizing the importance of preserving this unique ecosystem, the Brazilian government established several protected areas within the Atlantic Forest Reserves in the late 20th century. In 1999, the Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, acknowledging its outstanding universal value and the need for its conservation.

Current State

Today, the Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves are a haven for biodiversity, housing an incredible array of plant and animal species. The site is home to over 20,000 plant species, including numerous endemic and endangered species. It also provides habitat for several threatened animal species, such as the southern muriqui, the woolly spider monkey, and the golden lion tamarin.

The protected area is characterized by its diverse ecosystems, ranging from coastal mangroves and sandy beaches to dense rainforests and mountainous regions. These ecosystems support a wide range of ecological processes, including nutrient cycling, water regulation, and carbon sequestration, making them vital for the overall health of the planet.

Efforts to conserve and manage the Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves are ongoing. The Brazilian government, in collaboration with local communities and environmental organizations, has implemented various measures to protect the site. These include the establishment of buffer zones, the enforcement of strict regulations against illegal logging and hunting, and the promotion of sustainable tourism practices.

Visitors to the Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves can explore its natural wonders through guided tours and hiking trails. The site offers a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and ecological importance of the Atlantic Forest, while also learning about the region's cultural heritage and the challenges it faces in terms of conservation.

In conclusion, the Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves in Brazil is a UNESCO World Heritage site of immense ecological and cultural significance. Its rich history, exceptional biodiversity, and ongoing conservation efforts make it a truly remarkable destination for nature enthusiasts and those interested in the preservation of our planet's natural heritage.