Al Juhayr
in Ma'an Governorate, Jordan

Noteable things around
Location Summary
Decimal Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude):
30.525 and 35.516 (Lat./Lng.)
Coordinates by Time:
N 30° 31' 31" and E 35° 30' 58"
Currency and Currency Code:
Dinar - JOD
Spoken languages:
Arabic, English
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Local Time: 11:36 AM (Monday)
Timezone: Asia/Amman
UTC/GMT offset: 2 hours
Sunrise and Sunset:
6:40 am and 6:07 pm
Antipode Coordinates:
-27.600 and -144.317 (Lat./Lng.)
Closest place to antipode coordinates:
This place on
Current travel safety evaluation for Jordan in Western Asia

Safety Score: 3,2 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Jordan.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Jordan. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Discover Al Juhayr

Al Juhayr in Ma'an Governorate is a city in Jordan about 102 mi (or 164 km) south of Amman, the country's capital city.

Local time in Al Juhayr is now 11:36 AM (Monday). The local timezone is named Asia / Amman with an UTC offset of 3 hours. We know of 10 airports in the vicinity of Al Juhayr, of which 3 are larger airports. The closest is airport we know is Ein Yahav Airfield in Israel in a distance of 20 mi (or 32 km). The closest airport in Jordan is Aqaba King Hussein International Airport in a distance of 70 mi (or 32 km), West. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Jordan is Petra in a distance of 14 mi (or 23 km), South. Looking for a place to stay? we compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.

When in this area, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Ash Shawbak, Petra, Adhruh, Busayra and Al Husayniyah. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 24°C / 75 °F

Morning Temperature 14°C / 58 °F
Evening Temperature 21°C / 69 °F
Night Temperature 17°C / 63 °F
Chance of rainfall 0%
Air Humidity 35%
Air Pressure 1014 hPa
Wind Speed Gentle Breeze with 8 km/h (5 mph) from South-East
Cloud Conditions Clear sky, covering 0% of sky
General Conditions Sky is clear

Tuesday, 15th of October 2024

25°C (77 °F)
19°C (66 °F)
Sky is clear, gentle breeze, clear sky.

Wednesday, 16th of October 2024

24°C (75 °F)
16°C (61 °F)
Sky is clear, gentle breeze, clear sky.

Thursday, 17th of October 2024

18°C (65 °F)
14°C (57 °F)
Sky is clear, gentle breeze, clear sky.

Hotels and Places to Stay

Montreal Hotel - Al Shobak

2,6 mi
Al Jaya
11183 Shoubak

Time Information

Checkout: 12:30 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

Videos from this area

These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.

-HD-薔薇色の古代都市ペトラ(ヨルダン)-The Ancient City of Petra,Jordan-

Published: April 13, 2011
Length: 33:31 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: eurasiatravel

映画インディージョーンズの舞台にもなったペトラ遺跡のみどころをご紹介します。 ユーラシア旅行社で行くヨルダンツアーの魅力はこちら...

Montreal Crusader Castle (Shobak), Jordan

Published: December 13, 2014
Length: 10:20 min
Rating: 5 of 5

Follow the history of this once magnificent crusader castle Montreal... The castle was built in 1115 AD by Baldwin 1st King of Jerusalem and was the crusaders headquarters in Jordan for over 30 years.

Jordan, Day 4 GOPR0059.MP4

Published: April 03, 2012
Length: 00:00 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Allan Adair

Day 4 ride.

Jordan, Day 4 GOPR0060.MP4

Published: April 03, 2012
Length: 00:00 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Allan Adair

Day 4 ride.

Carriage Ride in Petra

Published: November 20, 2009
Length: 50:38 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: waterforded

If you visit Petra in Jordan, you may want to take a carriage ride down the canyon (Al Siq). The noise of the carriage in the canyon and the rough ride are an experience to remember.

Terapeutic Flying

Published: December 11, 2010
Length: 33:42 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: Avner Hochfeld

Avner Hochfeld & Rotem Rylski Therapeutic Flying.

MOAB Easter JEEP Safari 2011 - CALMINI

Published: June 30, 2011
Length: 44:59 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: 4x4ProAWL

4x4PRO חברת Calmini מייבאת לארץ את המוצרים של חברת האמריקאית. השיפורים והמיגונים של החברה מיועדים לרכבי השטח...

Jordan, Day 4 GOPR0055.MP4

Published: April 04, 2012
Length: 00:00 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Allan Adair

Day 4 ride.

Driving in Jordan

Published: March 05, 2008
Length: 21:43 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: ryanm527

Driving from the Amman airport to Wadi Mussa in Jordan.

Shoubak panoramic view jordan غرب الشوبك مطل الحزيم

Published: November 25, 2017
Length: 42:22 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: jehad al bdour

Shoubak panoramic view jordan غرب الشوبك مطل الحزيم #Jehad_TW_Albdour #LoveJo #Shoubak #Jordan #adventure #Photography #travel #Canon ...

Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.

Popular in vicinity

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This place is known by different names. Here the ones we know:
Juheir, Al Juhayr, الجهير