Facts and Data

Official Unesco Page

Basis Data:
Unesco World heritage since: 2013
Size of heritage: 606,833 ha
- Buffer zone: 491,103 ha

Longitude: 80,354°
Latitude: 41,968°


Xinjiang Tianshan comprises four components—Tomur, Kalajun-Kuerdening, Bayinbukuke and Bogda— that total 606,833 hectares. They are part of the Tianshan mountain system of Central Asia, one of the largest mountain ranges in the world. Xinjiang Tianshan presents unique physical geographic features and scenically beautiful areas including spectacular snow and snowy mountains glacier-capped peaks, undisturbed forests and meadows, clear rivers and lakes and red bed canyons. These landscapes contrast with the vast adjacent desert landscapes, creating a striking visual contrast between hot and cold environments, dry and wet, desolate and luxuriant. The landforms and ecosystems of the site have been preserved since the Pliocene epoch and present an outstanding example of ongoing biological and ecological evolutionary processes. The site also extends into the Taklimakan Desert, one of the world’s largest and highest deserts, known for its large dune forms and great dust storms. Xinjiang Tianshan is moreover an important habitat for endemic and relic flora species, some rare and endangered.

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Xinjiang Tianshan is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. It is situated at coordinates N41 58 6 E80 21 15 and covers an area of approximately 606,833 hectares. This site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2013 due to its outstanding natural beauty and unique geological features.


The history of Xinjiang Tianshan dates back millions of years. The region has been shaped by various geological processes, including tectonic movements, glacial erosion, and the deposition of sedimentary rocks. These processes have resulted in the formation of breathtaking landscapes, including snow-capped peaks, deep valleys, and vast grasslands.

Throughout history, Xinjiang Tianshan has been an important crossroads for trade and cultural exchange between China and Central Asia. The Silk Road, an ancient network of trade routes, passed through this region, bringing prosperity and diversity to the area. The site also holds historical significance as it was a meeting point for different ethnic groups, including the Uighur, Kazakh, and Tajik peoples.

Current State

Xinjiang Tianshan is renowned for its exceptional natural beauty and diverse ecosystems. The site encompasses several distinct zones, each with its own unique characteristics. The core zone, known as the Tomur Peak, is dominated by towering mountains, glaciers, and alpine meadows. This area is home to rare and endangered species, such as the snow leopard and the argali sheep.

The buffer zone of Xinjiang Tianshan consists of vast grasslands and forests, providing habitat for a wide range of flora and fauna. The grasslands are an important grazing area for livestock, supporting the traditional nomadic lifestyle of the local Kazakh and Mongolian communities. The forests, on the other hand, are home to diverse plant species, including junipers and spruces.

The transition zone of Xinjiang Tianshan is characterized by its unique desert landscapes. Here, visitors can explore the vast sand dunes and experience the tranquility of the desert environment. The transition zone also contains important archaeological sites, such as ancient cities and Buddhist cave temples, which provide insights into the region's rich cultural heritage.

To preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Xinjiang Tianshan, various conservation measures have been implemented. These include the establishment of protected areas, the promotion of sustainable tourism, and the involvement of local communities in the management of the site. Additionally, research and monitoring programs are conducted to better understand and protect the unique ecosystems and historical sites within Xinjiang Tianshan.


Xinjiang Tianshan, located in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is a UNESCO World Heritage site of exceptional natural beauty and historical significance. Its diverse landscapes, ranging from snow-capped peaks to vast grasslands and deserts, provide habitat for numerous plant and animal species. The site's rich history as a crossroads for trade and cultural exchange adds to its significance. Through conservation efforts and sustainable tourism practices, Xinjiang Tianshan continues to be preserved for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.